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Sri Lanka govt imposes casino entry levy
Updated:2024-07-10 13:21    Views:83

After mentioning the potential for a casino entry levy back in October of 2014, Sri Lanka has now implemented a US$100 entry fee for gaming facilities in the area, covering foreign as well as local players. The amendment for the levy was added to the Betting and Gaming Levy Act on March 30th.

The language of the amendment states that every person who takes part in gaming business within Sri Lanka for any time period on or after the 1st of January 2015 will pay a levy of US$100 or the equivalent in another form of currency when entering a place of gaming. It has yet to be determined if the fee can be paid within a 24 hour time frame of visiting the gaming facility or if the fee is collected each time a facility is entered.

The only individuals exempted from the fee are the employees and management of the casinos as well as government officers who have been authorized to enter such facilities. Also included in the amendment is a large increase in the yearly levies placed on Bookmakers.

This is not the first time a casino entry fee has been put in place. Singapore was the very first to begin using such a system but it only applies the fee to citizens and permanent residents.

In early February the newly elected Sri Lanka government canceled three casino licenses, which if the properties would have been completed would have cost more than $1.5 billion to construct.